Results for "L"

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  Title Copies
London under London 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 914.21 TRE 
Literature and dance in nineteenth-century Britain : Jane Austen to the new woman / Cheryl A. Wilson 
Year: 2009 
Year: 2014 
Life in the Georgian court 
Year: 2016 
Call No: 940.253 CUR 
Les Mères rivals, ou la Calomnie. 
Year: 1808 
Letters and Conversations between several young ladies, on interesting and improving subjects. 
Year: 1790 
Call No: 370.114 CAM 
Lyrical tales, by Mrs. Mary Robinson 
Year: 1800 
Letters of advice from a mother to her son. 
Year: 1803 
Call No: 371.822 CRE 
Lettres de Mistriss Henley 
Year: 1993 
La dame d'esprit : a biography of the Marquise Du Châtelet 
Year: 2006