Results for "J"

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  Title Copies
Jane Austen's textual lives: from Aeschylus to Bollywood / Kathryn Sutherland 
Year: 2007 
Jane Austen and William Hayley / Deirdre Le Faye 
Year: 1987 
Jane Austen and the celebrated birthday ; A missing word in Sense and Sensibility ; Jane Austen: some letters redated / jane Kirkland, Ian Milligan and Deirdre Le Faye 
Year: 1987 
Jane Austen : more letters redated / Deirdre Le Faye 
Year: 1991 
Jane Austen's Literary Manuscripts. A Study of the Novelist's Development through the Surviving Papers / by B. C. Southam 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1964 
Jane Austen's letters 
Edition: 4th ed. 
Year: 2011 
Jane Austen / by Richard Aldington 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1948 
Jane Austen's novels / by George Pellew (1973) 
Year: 1973 
Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice. Edited by W. Somerset Maugham. Illustrated by Douglas Gorsline. 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1949 
Jane Austen: a collection of critical essays / edited by Ian Watt 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1963