Results for "L"

Page 8 of 54

  Title Copies
Letters, on the spirit of patriotism: on the idea of a patriot king: and on the state of parties, at the accession of King George the First. 
Year: 1749 
Letters of the right honourable Lady M--y W-----y M------e: written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contains among [etc.] 
Year: 1763 
Call No: 910.4 MON 
Letters to a young lady; in which the duties and character of women are considered, chiefly with a reference to prevailing opinions / by Mrs. West, author of Letters to a young man, &c. 
Edition: 4th ed. 
Year: 1811 
Call No: B1.3.3 
Lady Russell's letters / Rachel Russell 
Year: 1819 
Call No: 920.082 RUS 
Lessons for children / by Mrs Barbauld. In four parts. 
Year: 1835 
Les jeunes naturalistes, ou entretiens sur l'histoire naturelle / par Mlle S. Ulliac Trémadeure. 
Year: 1838 
Call No: 570 ULL 
Les supercheries littÈraires dÈvoilÈes... / par J. -M. QuÈrard; seconde, Èdition considÈrablement augmentÈe, publiÈe par MM. Gustave Brunet et Pierre Jannet. 
Year: 1869 
Call No: 014 QUE 
Les livres a clef: etude de bibliographie critique et analytique pour servir a l'histoire litteraire / par Fernand Drujon. 
Year: 1888 
Call No: 015.44 DRU 
Little Memoirs Of The Nineteenth Century 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1902 
Call No: 920.009 SYM 
London watercolours. 
Year: 1919 
Call No: 751.422 LON