An Apology for the conduct of Mrs. Teresia Constantia Phillips, more particularly that part of it which relates to her marriage with an eminent Dutch merchant [etc.]

Main Collection pre-1900  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
(GEN) Mezzotint frontis portrait in Volume I||(CON) Vol I: A4, B1, *4, **3, a5, b2, c4, B3, C-P4, Q2, R-Xx4, Contents.Vol II: [-]1, *4, A3, B-O4, P3, Q-Pp4, A-F4, G3, Contents.Vol III: [-]1, aa4, A3, B-G4, H2, I-Ss4, A4, Contents||(REF) ESTC lists forty-one copies||(GEN) Accession no. 578: each part is signed by Mrs. Phillips||(PHY) Accession no. 578: bound in modern tan half calf, marbled boards, brown leather labels, gilt lettering. Eighteen parts in three volumes. The collation of Volume I is strange: a2 is labelled I2, though the page numbers are consecutive and the text is fine; signature c is inserted before b, and the first page of the second signature B is labelled B2, with only three leaves in the signature. There is, however, no evidence of a missing page, as B2 has the title heading. The same situation is present in Volumes II and III; Signature A in each volume consists of three leaves, and starts on A2||(VER) Greyscale digital sub-master file Batch 3 in store 1 
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