The bachelor's own book being the progress of Mr. Lambkin (Gent.) in the persuit of pleasure and amusememt and also in search of health and happiness.

Main Collection pre-1900
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Publication Year
1800-1900;1800-1851;Characters;Character sketches
(GEN) In this first issue there are two errors in spelling on the engraved title page. The error 'persuit' was corrected in the second issue, but the misspelling of 'amusement' was not corrected until very late issues.||(OWN) Includes Ex libris bookplate for Estelle Doheny, may have been part of the Estelle Doheny collection held at the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library||(GEN) Coloured etchings throughout||(GEN) Cover title reads: The bachelors own book being twenty four passages in the life of Mr. Lambkin, (Gent.) Balls, plays, operas, concerts, masquerades, dinner parties, soirees, races, picnics, boating, billiards||(GEN) Enclosed in a folding cloth case||(GEN) First issue of the first edition
Biblio Notes
13 plates ; 14 x 23 cm
Number of Copies
Library | Accession‎ No | Call No | Copy No | Edition | Location | Availability |
Main | 13590 | Writers' Sequence CRU | 1 | ST1 | Yes |