
Publisher: Clarendon Press [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Jane Austen's Letters to her sister Cassandra and others. Collected And Edited by R.W. Chapman. 
Year: 1932 
Johnsonís England. An Account of the Life & Manners of his Age. Edited by A.S. Turberville. 
Year: 1965 
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: romance writings. 
Year: 1996 
Lady Susan. By Jane Austen. Written about 1805. First published in 1871. Now Reprinted From The Manuscript. 
Year: 1925 
Letters of Philip Dormer Fourth Earl of Chesterfield to his Godson and Successor. now first edited from the originals, with a memoir of lord chesterfield, by the earl of Carnarvon. 
Year: 1890 
Call No: 920 CHE 
Maria Edgeworth in France and Switzerland : selections from the Edgeworth family letters / edited by Christina Colvin 
Year: 1979 
Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography / by Marilyn Butler 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1972 
Maria Edgeworth. Letters from England 1813-1844. 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1971 
Mary Leapor : A study in eighteenth-century women's poetry 
Year: 1993 
Memoir of Jane Austen 
Year: 1926