
Publisher: Oxford University Press [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The Novels of Jane Austen: the text based on collation of the early editions by R W Chapman 
Edition: 3rd 
Year: 1988 
The Northanger novels : a footnote to Jane Austen / by Michael Sadleir 
Year: 1927 
The nature of historical explanation / by Patrick Gardiner. 
Year: 1961 
Call No: 901 GAR 
The Mysteries of Udolpho / edited with an introduction by Bonamy Dobree ; explanatory notes by Frederick Garber 
Year: 1980 
The mysteries of Udolpho 
Year: 1983 
The moral sex : woman's nature in the French Enlightenment / Lieselotte Steinbrügge ; translated by Pamela E. Selwyn 
Year: 1995 
Call No: 305.409 STE 
The Moorland cottage, and other stories / Elizabeth Gaskell 
Year: 1995 
The monk / Matthew Lewis 
Year: 1995 
The mirror of the gods : classical mythology in Renaissance art 
Year: 2005 
Call No: 709.024 BUL 
The militant suffrage movement : citizenship and resistance in Britain, 1860-1930 
Year: 2003 
Call No: 324.623 MAY