
Publisher: Cambridge University Press [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Jane Austen : a family record / Deirdre Le Faye 
Edition: 2nd ed. 
Year: 2004 
Jane Austen / by Lord David Cecil 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1935 
Jane Austen and her predecessors / by Frank W. Bradbrook 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1966 
Jane Austen and the body : 'The picture of health' / John Wiltshire 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1992 
Jane Austen and the Enlightenment 
Year: 2004 
Jane Austen and the fiction of her time 
Year: 1999 
Jane Austen and the fiction of her time / Mary Waldron 
Year: 1999 
Jane Austen in context 
Year: 2005 
Jane Austen on screen 
Year: 2003 
Jane Austen's art of memory / Jocelyn Harris 
Year: 1989