
Author: Wilson, Harriette [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Memoirs of Harriette Wilson / written by herself ...: the four volumes collected into one; illustrated with engravings. 
Year: 1839 
Paris Lions and London Tigers . . . Reprinted from the Edition of 1825 with the Original Twelve Plates, and an Introduction by Heywood Hill. 
Year: 1935 
Harriette Wilson's memoirs of herself and others / with a preface by James Laver. 
Edition: 1st ed. reprinted. 
Year: 1930 
Paris Lions And London Tigers. By Harriette Wilson. Illustrated with Twelve Colored Plates. 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 1825 
Paris Lions And London Tigers. 
Edition: 2nd ed. 
Year: 1825 
Memoirs Of Harriette Wilson, a celebrated courtezan: interspersed with curious and amatory anecdotes of illlustrious persons; embellished with coloured plates. 
Year: 1800 
Mistress of many: selections from the memoirs of Harriette Wilson / edited by Max Marquis. 
Year: 1960