
Tag: Romanticism in Great Britain [ All ]

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  Title Copies
30 great myths about the Romantics 
Year: 2015 
Call No: 820.914 WU 
Anger, revolution, and romanticism / by Andrew M. Stauffer 
Year: 2005 
Call No: 820.935 STA 
Antologia delle poetesse romantiche inglesi / a cura di Lilla Maria Crisafulli; volume secondo 
Edition: 1. ed. 
Year: 2003 
Call No: 821.928 CRI 
Beaux and belles of England : written by herself, with the lives of the Duchesses of Gordon and Devonshire by Grace and Philip Wharton / Mary Robinson 
Year: 2006 
British romantic writers and the East : anxieties of empire / by Nigel Leask 
Year: 1992 
Call No: 820.914 LEA 
British Romanticism and the science of the mind / Alan Richardson 
Year: 2001 
Call No: 820.935 RIC 
British women poets and the romantic writing community / Stephen C. Behrendt 
Year: 2009 
Call No: 821.709 BEH 
British women poets of the Romantic era : an anthology / edited by Paula R. Feldman 
Year: 1997 
Call No: 821.708 BRI 
Charlotte Smith in British romanticism / Edited by Jacqueline Labbe 
Edition: 1st ed. 
Year: 2008 
Contesting the Gothic : fiction, genre, and cultural conflict, 1764-1832 / by James Watt 
Year: 1999 
Call No: 823.087 WAT