
Call No: CR. 5 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A Correct account of all the cricket matches which have been played by the Mary-le-bone club, and all other principal matches from the year 1786 to 1822 inclusive 
Year: 1823 
Call No: CR. 5 
A Selection from the works of Alfred Tennyson 
Year: 1872 
Call No: CR. 5 
A Short history of tapestry. From the earliest times to the end of the 18th century 
Year: 1885 
Call No: CR. 5 
Kings of Israel and Judah: their history explained to children by the author of 'Peep of Day' etc 
Year: 1879 
Call No: CR. 5 
Saxelford; a story for the young 
Year: 1857 
Call No: CR. 5 
The Story of a red deer 
Year: 1897 
Call No: CR. 5 
The Talisman a tale of the crusaders and the chronicles of the Canongate 
Year: 1887 
Call No: CR. 5 
The World at home; or pictures and scenes from far-off lands 
Year: 1880 
Call No: CR. 5 
The Young Huguenots: or the soldiers of the cross. A story of the seventeenth century 
Year: 1885 
Call No: CR. 5